So this weekend I got an idea in my head and decided that I would go a head and try it. I don't know if having a kid does it too you or just being a women does it. But ever since I have had Peyton I have wanted to be more crafty. I have worked on several scrapbooks and am currently working on hers but for some reason I have wanted to do more. My mom and I went to hobby lobby on Saturday because she is making Emily's birthday invitations. While we there I found the project that I have been wanting to do. So I went head and got it went straight home and started on it. And here it is.....
So now I feel so talented. I got it all done and Emily comes up to me and says auntie Shina you are so cool now make me one and make sure it has Ariel on it. I just laughed but after seeing the completion of my project I might just need to make her one!
Monday, May 19, 2008
Craft Time!!
Posted by Shina at 7:24 AM 6 comments
Labels: crafts
Monday, May 12, 2008
Looking Forward to the Weekends!
There are only a few reasons why I look forward to the weekends. One of my biggest reasons is spending time with my daughter. The next one would probably be I get to relax. This last weekend I spent it just doing that. I did absolutley nothing and it was great. But I also spent it with my daughter and that made it even better. I spend time with her everyday but it's not the same as a saturday and sunday. I work full time which means I go to work every day from 6:00 a.m. to 5:00pm. So by the time I go to work she is still sound asleep in bed and by the time I get home for work I get to feed her dinner and she is ready for bed. I maybe get to spend about an hour to an hour and a half every night with her. Sometimes it is nice because I get to come home after a long day and just relax but at the same time I hate it. I would kill to be a stay at home mother. So for all those mothers that are stay at home enjoy it. It's one of the hardest things to leave your child for a full day. But someday I hope to be able to stay at home with her. Anyway this last weekend I got to stay home and do absolutley nothing it was nice. I even took my sisters kids for a couple of hours. So we spent it outside on the lawn.
Waylon with his bat. He has not let go of this toy since his birthday. So we nick named him Bam Bam!

On the search for his ball!

Posted by Shina at 6:35 AM 1 comments
Labels: Family Fun
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Saturday my mom had to work and my dad had to sleep because he just got off the graveyard shift so it was left to me to take my little brother to his first baseball game. Peyton and I got up around 6:30 am took a shower and got ready. Then it was off to get my brother up and moving. He had to be to the field at 7:30 because his game started at 8. So i dress Peyton in warm clothes because it was a little chilly that morning. So it's off to get my brother and then off to the game. We get there sit down and enjoy the weather waiting for the game to start. . I have Peyton wrapped up in a blanket to stay warm. Well around 10:00 a.m. it started warming up but not enough to take Peyton's jacket's off but I take the blanket off. Anyway saturday was the first day in like a week that we have had good warm weather and the wind wasn't blowin and we didn't have dust in our face. Well as the day went on it got hotter and hotter. Finally about 12:30 I took Peyton's jacket off. Now for the bad mother part. I was so caught up in trying to get my brother out the door and off to his game and making sure I had everything that I didn't think about grabbing sunscreen for us. Well 4:00 came around and my poor child looked like a little tomato. I felt so horrible. She was so sunburnt. I couldn't believe I did that. I got home and my mom goes what did you do to your child. I said please don't make feel anymore horrible then I already do. But I am hoping she is like me because in the summer I only burn once and I am done. But she is so white I don't know if that will work for her. So after the game I had to go to walmart and buy us some Aloe Vera lotion. And while I was there I decided I needed to buy her a hat and some sunglasses. So now for the next game we will be prepared.
I am a little burnt but not near as bad as her.
Don't mind the ice cream all over her face.
Peyton crawling.
Posted by Shina at 2:45 PM 7 comments
Labels: Family
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
It's been awhile
So it's been crazy busy around my area of life lately. Sorry I have not kept up on the blogging world. My brother started baseball season last week so between that work and Peyton it's been a little chaoic. Peyton is crawling and has discovered walking. She crawled for about three weeks and decided that she is done with that. She is now trying to walk. She manages to get a long the furniture and the walls pretty good. She has tried letting go a couple of times and decided she isn't quit ready for that. She also got her two bottom teeth in and is now working the top two. She was good with the two bottom ones coming in but these top two haven't been very fun. She is a good sleeper still and still takes her naps. But these teeth have really messed the schedule up lately and I am not liking it.
As for me I have been crazy busy myself and running on little sleep. It's been a little hectic but hopefully it will pass soon. I hope to start back to school full time in August. I really need to finish my accounting degree and thinking of moving up to Provo to go UVSC. I really hope all works out for it. Our life is slowly changing and trying to keep up with everything is a lot of work. But I will do better at keeping everyone posted on us. I will get some pictures up of that little girl trying to walk. I think she will have it down before she is 9 months old. I hate how fast she is growing up. But I enjoy every minute of it. So until then I hope every one is good.
This is the tiny little girl I miss!
But this is the little girl I love that is now getting her personality!
Posted by Shina at 10:24 AM 3 comments
Labels: updates